BMW Z4 Specs for G29
Vehicle Details- Body style
- Cabriolet
- Market segment
- Large family car
- Gross vehicle weight (KG)
- 1740 ‐ 1860
- Production
- 2018-11 ‐ S
- Engine Capacity (ltr)
- Data Not Available
- Fuel type
- Petrol
- No of cylinders
- 4 ‐ 6
- No of valves
- 16 ‐ 24
- Fuel system
- Direct Injection
- Aspiration
- Turbocharged
- Transmission type
- Automatic 8 speed, Automatic 8 speed,Manual 6 speed
- Horsepower (KW)
- 145 ‐ 250
- Horsepower (PS)
- 197 ‐ 340
- Torque (NM)
- 320 ‐ 500
- Torque (RPM)
- Data Not Available