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One common opinion you may hear when the conversation turns to electric cars, is that there are not enough EV charging points within the UK’s network.
Looking at the numbers, you can start to see why some people may feel this way.
According to the
UK’s Government statistics - at the end of the third quarter of 2021, there were 348,816 pure-electric cars on the UK's roads - and 272,996 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
Whereas, there are only 29,600 public EV charging points in the UK - as of the 1st of March 2022, according to the website and app 'Zap-Map'.
In a bid to overcome the gap and try to meet the ever increasing demand for EV charging points, it was recently announced by the Department for Transport (DfT) that they will invest £450m to further expand the national charging network. With the overall aim of increasing the number of charging points ten-fold by 2030.
Of this £450m increase in investment, the focus will be on charger hubs and on-street chargers, according to the DfT.
It is not just the Government who are looking to invest in the network however.
It was also announced recently that
BP are set to spend £1bn on a new UK charger infrastructure – as the company looks to diversify its revenue streams - and prove how it will reach their aim of net zero carbon emissions.
Investment in the network can only be seen as a good thing. However, it does not help people now if they live in a location with little access to public charging points.
In a recent survey carried on Instagram, we found that 54% of people who responded, did not know where their nearest public charging station was.
Similarly, 70% of respondents find it difficult to find a charging point - with 64% feeling the need to carefully plan ahead when they go on holiday. Researching where they will be able to charge their EVs.
The common theme appearing to be that people either do not know where they can charge, or find it difficult to locate somewhere to charge.
To help our customers - we're more than just car tyres - we've taken data from the official Government registry of public charging points and created the following map.
Giving EV owners somewhere they can easily look up and find charging points that are close to them.
We love to hear from our customers. Connect with us today and let’s start a conversation.