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Tyre Care in Extreme Weather Conditions

Tyre Care in Extreme Weather Conditions

In the United Kingdom, the seasons are renowned for their unpredictable nature. Presenting a diverse range of weather conditions that can transform within a matter of days… sometimes even hours.

From the embrace of a week-long heatwave to the relentless onslaught of rain in the subsequent week, navigating these extreme weather variations becomes a critical aspect of vehicle maintenance.

Particularly when it comes to your tyres.

Cold Weather Tyres: Stiffened Rubber in Icy Conditions

Whether your vehicle is equipped with summer, winter, or all-season tyres, the weather can significantly influence your driving experience.

Tyres can be prone to stiffening in cold weather, adversely affecting their performance.

This stiffness can result in challenges such as reduced steering control and an increased stopping distance. An issue when you need to do an emergency brake.

With limited surface grip available in these wintry conditions, tyres must work harder, leading to accelerated wear.

One solution is to swap out summer tyres for their winter counterparts. Winter tyres, enriched with materials like silica, maintain flexibility even at low temperatures. This enhances the responsiveness on icy roads.

Their tread pattern, featuring more sipes than standard tyres, helps grip on snow or ice. Again, improving overall grip on the road surface.

Snow covered road

Wet Weather Woes: Driving In Heavy Rain

The perils of driving in wet weather become even more apparent after sustained periods of rainfall.

Large puddles of surface water pose a risk of aquaplaning. Especially if tyres are not in their optimal condition.

When navigating extreme weather conditions like heavy rainfall, it becomes important to maintain a bigger gap between your vehicle and the one in front. This is to extend the stopping distance.

Braking in wet conditions demands caution. It can be more than double the norm on dry roads - due to poor tyre grip.

Regular checks of tyre pressure and tread before embarking on a journey serve as pre-emptive measures to ensure safety in harsh weather conditions.

Raining windscreen

The Impact of Summer Weather on Tyres

As the temperature rises during the warmer months, the combination of heat and higher road temperatures can lead to tyres overheating.

This results in an increase in tyre pressure, even if your vehicle has remained stationary.

A general guideline suggests that for every 10-degree Celsius change in temperature, your tyre pressure may elevate by approximately 0.1 bar.

While tyre rubber is designed to resist heat buildup, internal heated air can cause expansion, leading to potential issues such as cracking, tearing, and, in severe cases, a blowout.

It is advisable to conduct weekly tyre pressure checks during a heatwave. Additionally, before embarking on an extended journey.

Taking the time to inspect your tyres for any signs of wear, tears, or cracks in the rubber.

Audi Driving

Tyre Maintenance: A Year-Round Commitment

Ensuring the longevity and performance of your tyres requires consistent and proactive measures.

Regular checks of tyre health throughout the year, coupled with the use of appropriate tyres, form the basis of good tyre maintenance.

While relying on your car's sensors is convenient, taking the time to manually inspect your tyres can help you spot potential issues early.

When to Check Tyre Pressure

Manufacturers recommend checking tyre pressure when the tyres are cold, either in the morning or the night before a journey. Make sure that the vehicle hasn't been driven for an extended period before testing.

This is because tyres warm up during driving through friction with the road – which affects the pressure.

If you adjust the pressure when the tyres are warm might lead to pressures dropping below the minimum once they cool. Increasing the likelihood of punctures or accidents.

Consulting your car’s handbook or locating a sticker with tyre pressure information within your vehicle provides a reliable guide.

This information, often found inside the rim of your vehicle door, helps you determine the right pressure based on your vehicle's use. There is often a laden and unladen measurement to take into account.

Add tyre pressure

Tyre Care in Extreme Weather

  1. Garage Storage: If feasible, housing your car in a garage or a similar sheltered building can shield your tyres from the impact of drastic temperature changes. As well as prolonged exposure to sun and ice.

  2. Strategic Driving in Extreme Weather: While avoiding driving in extreme weather conditions is ideal, if travel is unavoidable, plan frequent stops along your route.

    This allows your tyres to acclimate to the prevalent weather conditions, toning down potential harmful effects.
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