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Directional Tyres

What Are Directional Tyres, and How Can I Identify Them?

This type of tyre is so named because of the direction that its tread pattern is laid out. It has been designed and developed to run optimally with the tread pattern following this singular 'direction'.

Directional tyres feature a distinctive tread pattern (much like a V shaped pattern that stretches across the width of the tread) designed for optimal performance in a single direction, indicated by an arrow on the sidewall.

To spot directional tyres, either look at the tread pattern, or simply look for the ‘directional’ tyre arrow that can be found on one side of the tyre’s sidewall.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Directional Tyres?


1. Improved Traction: Directional tyres deliver a strong level of traction, handling, and performance. This is true for both wet and dry roads.
2. High-Speed Handling: These tyres have been developed to provide you with precise cornering and superior road grip. They are often favoured by high-speed driving and sports cars.
3. Winter Performance: Directional tyres are tested for snowy conditions, making them a solid option for smaller vehicles and sports cars in regions with mild winters.


1. Correct Fitting: Proper fitting of the tyres is crucial. The arrow indicating the direction of travel must be adhered to. If this not done, this can lead to poor performance and uneven tread wear.
2. Rotation Challenges: Unlike other tyres that can be rotated for longer lifespan, directional tyres can only be moved from front to back.
3. Potential Traction Issues: Mounting directional tyres backward significantly reduces traction, especially in wet conditions, potentially compromising safety and voiding warranties.

Can Directional Tyres Be Fitted Backwards?

Fitting a directional tyre backward is a significant mistake that can compromise your safety and vehicle's performance.

On top of this, it can affect your eligibility for the manufacturer's warranty due to incorrect fitment.

There is evidence suggesting that fitting directional tyres backward can lead to substantial traction issues, particularly on wet roads.

When driving at high speeds, a directional tyre mounted backward can pose serious safety risks.

What Should I Do If My Directional Tyres Are Installed Incorrectly?

If you've purchased a car recently and you believe that the directional tyres have been fitted incorrectly, address this issue quickly. Running directional tyres backward poses unnecessary risks, potentially compromising your vehicle's traction and overall safety.