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Kumho I'Zen KW27 Winter Car Tyre

Kumho I'Zen KW27 (Winter Tyre)
205/50 R17 V (89)

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Product description & features

This tyre is made from a compound with a higher silica content to a summer tyre to keep the tyre flexible at lower temperatures. It’s tread boasts 3-D sipes – these are key to the performance of an asymmetric tyre in any weather weather.

A directional tyre is higher performance in wet conditions as water is more effectively dispersed from between the tyre and the road but this asymmetric tyre is an excellent choice for snowy conditions as each central groove allows five different types of tread block to be used. It also means these tread blocks can stand out further from the tyre and therefore cut into the surface more effectively.

The closely-knit tread blocks help ensure the tyre retains its shape and stability and prevents fast wear despite the more malleable properties of the rubber compound. The inner shoulder of the tyre reflects the outer shoulder but is slightly more perpendicular than the outer shoulder blocks. This ensures the good and even grip of the tyre. Everything about this tread pattern shouts grip and stability.

Winter Tyres

What are winter tyres?

Winter tyres have been developed to perform best during the colder winter months - when the outside temperatures drop below 7 degrees Celsius.

How can I tell a winter tyre is suitable for winter weather?

The tyre features the EU sanctioned 3PMSF marking - Three Peak Mountain Snowflake:

Three Peak Mountain Snow Flake

This accolade was introduced to be an easily recognisable symbol which displays that the tyre has passed standardised, controlled, and, rigorous tests. It confirms the winter suitability of a tyre.

How does a winter tyre perform better in winter?

The compound of a winter tyre contains a higher natural rubber content - helping the tyre to remain flexible in freezing weather and conform to the road surface.

The grooves of winter tyres are typically wider to channel snow and water. The latest generation also have smaller shoulder grooves to improve snow and ice traction.

Can I use winter tyres all year round?

Although winter tyres can be used in other conditions, their performance will not be as efficient as they have been optimised to perform in temperatures under 7°C.

There is also a risk of a winter tyre’s wear rates increasing when drive on in warm temperatures, due to the high silica and natural rubber compound.

We recommend that winter tyres should be fitted as a full set of 4.

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